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From the Field to the Flour: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Corn Production of Agro-Kongo

Updated: May 14, 2024

Welcome to the Agro-Kongo blog, where we invite you to discover the fascinating stages of corn production, from the field to the flour. At Agro-Kongo, we take pride in offering you an authentic and transparent experience regarding the origin of our products.

From Plant to Plantain: Responsible Corn Cultivation

It all begins in our fields, located in the heart of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Our local farmers, essential partners of Agro-Kongo, carefully oversee the cultivation of corn. We are proud to promote responsible agriculture, environmentally friendly and respectful of local traditions.

Careful Harvest and Ethical Transport: The Journey to the Mill

The corn harvest is a crucial step, and we ensure that it is carried out with the utmost care. Once harvested, the corn is transported to our mill with the same ethical commitment. Our transport methods aim to reduce our carbon footprint and support local communities throughout the supply chain.

Quality Milling: From Seed to Flour

At the Agro-Kongo mill, corn is expertly transformed into premium quality flour. We use state-of-the-art equipment while preserving traditional techniques that guarantee the authentic flavor of our flour. Our milling process is meticulously monitored to ensure consistent quality at every stage.

Total Transparency: Our Commitment to You

At Agro-Kongo, transparency is at the heart of our approach. We understand the importance of knowing where your food comes from. That's why we invite you to delve into the behind-the-scenes of our production, through these lines, but also in person. Our doors are always open to welcome you and share this first-hand experience.

Agro-Kongo Flour: A Renewed Tradition

Agro-Kongo corn flour is not just a culinary ingredient; it is a tradition renewed with every milling. By choosing our flour, you are choosing a story, a community, and unparalleled quality.

We hope this dive into our production process has enlightened you about our commitment to authenticity, sustainability, and quality. Thank you for being part of this adventure with Agro-Kongo. 

Cheers !

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